What is Duty?
The idea of duty is different in different nations. The word “killing” may be interpreted differently. For an ordinary man who goes about shooting and killing people vs. a soldier on the war front killing the opponents who are trying to infiltrate. The term ‘Duty’ is quite subjective on its own. What is a duty for one may be a form of inappropriateness for another. But let us boil it down, any action or karm that takes us towards a higher place or direct to God must be our duty.
Tasks that are carried out which are spoken of highly(exalt) and regarded noble(ennoble) in a particular society are our primary duty. But there is a condition to this, the same tasks may not be regarded in similar way in other sects or societies. So the governing idea is duty being relative to the environment in which one is, the thought patterns and laws. Duty should always be seen from the other’s point of view and not your own. One should accommodate the world and not get the world accommodate to you.
One should not judge anyone based on the duties/tasks that he performs but in the way he carries out his duty. Be it the janitor or the CEO of a company. Furthermore, the duty which is done without any selfish motive is considered the greatest. The real nature of man is expanded when he starts reducing his selfishness and works incessantly.
Duty when greased with a loving factor helps it run smoothly. Freedom from all the senses pleasures, anger, jealousy and hatred will help us move towards being more loving ultimately helping us perform our duty better.
A man should treat every other woman except his wife as his mother. Every woman should have an attitude of mother towards all men except her husband. The position of mother is the highest in the world, it can be compared with the love of God. Blessed are the children who look upon their parents as divine manifested on earth.
Let the ends and the means be joined into one. End(Goal) + Means(Method) = Final outcome, should be in line with ethics and should not compromise moral principles.
The chapter mentions an important philosophy – Vyadha Gita. It is a conversation between a sage and a hunter by name of Vyadha. The Vyadha Gita underscores the idea that inner purity and devotion to truth are more important than external appearances or social roles. It teaches the importance of compassion, detachment, and self-realization as key elements on the spiritual path.