• +64 213 119 43
  • jeet.kulkarni@outlook.com
  • Auckland, Hyderabad & Local Group!

CWIDP Focus: Requirements Engineering Framework

For CWIDP certification focus, this blog post will only be focusing on IEEE 29148-2018 Systems and Software Engineering – Life Cycle Processes – Requirements Engineering. Business or Mission Analysis: The purpose of the Business or Mission Analysis process is to define the business or mission problem or opportunity, characterize the solution space (environment), and determine potential solution classes. Stakeholder Needs […]

Recovered: Wireless Analysis 101

Wireless Performance Analysis (Originally posted in late 2020) Wireless Analysis 101 Wireless Performance Analysis I want to jot down some points for my own revision and yours if they may help you in getting through a wireless performance analysis for any business/firm. Intention: To conduct wireless analysis without gaining access to the network equipment of the firm. Software/App used or […]